Thursday, November 12, 2009

Have you ever wondered about global warming? No it doesn't have a big effect on you, but what about the animals? The answer is yes. Animals do suffer greatly because of global warming. The animal I'm focused on today is the polar bear. Global warming is otherwise known as a climate change. When the climate changes and the heat rises, the ice melts. When the ice melts the polar bears loose ground to live on, leaving them constantly trying to find somewhere solid to put their feet. Polar bears hunt sea lions, and sea lions also depend on ice. When the sea lions disappear then so do the polar bears because they have to swim farther for there food leaving them to die of exhaustion. The numbers of the polar bear is constantly decreasing. The whole cause of global warming is the greenhouse gas. If we don't find a way to eliminate greenhouse gases then we could loose these creatures all together. That's right I'm talking about extinction. Polar bears know how to swim hundreds of miles with no problems at all, so when they are drowning because they can't find land that's saying something. A very easy way to help stop global warming is to recycle. Another way would be to walk, bike, or take a bus. We have to help save these lovable creatures before they go extinct.

1 comment:

  1. Great info! Did you read the article you linked us to? You mean "lose" not "loose."

    Also, if you start a sentence with an interjection (like "no"), you need a comma after it :)
