Monday, December 7, 2009

What happens to the pelicans with no home?

Laura Quinn, an 81 year old woman lives in the florida keys. Her job, or hobby, is taking care of over 700 pelican birds that are either injured, or starved. Some have been caught by fish hooks, and some are simply without food because of lack of fish in the bay. Laura recently lost her job but no matter what, the birds come first. She is very protective over her birds and was said to have once been seen jumping into a river after one of her birds, which was heading into a dangerous cove. Quinn cracked an ankle bone but caught the bird. I don't know many people that would break their ankle for a bird. Laura has been rather inspiring to me. I am an animal lover as well and it it seems if anyone would take in that many birds, just because they want to, they must be a pretty amazing person. I look up to someone like that. The only problem is that because of Laura's age they are trying to replace her with someone younger. From experience I know that she has to be so attached to those birds. And giving up that job is going to be very difficult for her. I just hope she can find someone good enough to replace her. Good luck Laura!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Have you ever wondered about global warming? No it doesn't have a big effect on you, but what about the animals? The answer is yes. Animals do suffer greatly because of global warming. The animal I'm focused on today is the polar bear. Global warming is otherwise known as a climate change. When the climate changes and the heat rises, the ice melts. When the ice melts the polar bears loose ground to live on, leaving them constantly trying to find somewhere solid to put their feet. Polar bears hunt sea lions, and sea lions also depend on ice. When the sea lions disappear then so do the polar bears because they have to swim farther for there food leaving them to die of exhaustion. The numbers of the polar bear is constantly decreasing. The whole cause of global warming is the greenhouse gas. If we don't find a way to eliminate greenhouse gases then we could loose these creatures all together. That's right I'm talking about extinction. Polar bears know how to swim hundreds of miles with no problems at all, so when they are drowning because they can't find land that's saying something. A very easy way to help stop global warming is to recycle. Another way would be to walk, bike, or take a bus. We have to help save these lovable creatures before they go extinct.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

One and five people believe in the Islamic religion. It's the second largest religion in the world! Have you ever wondered about someone's religion besides your own? I wondered about the Islamic religion, so I did a little digging and found a lot. See what you think. Maybe it will even surprise you.

Founder: The founder of the Islamic religion is a man named Muhammad, and it was founded in Shi Lanka in the early 600's. The funny thing about this man is that his life was extremely hard, but he still managed to take a very important role in Islam. Muhammad was orphaned at a very young age. When he started this religion he had very few followers, but it grew on people and by the time he was done he had founded the Islamic religion. Muhammad was considered a prophet and he wrote a book that is still around today.

Holy Books: Muhammad wrote a text called the Hadith. This text was all about the deeds done by this prophet and his family. Another important text is called the Qur'an. This is book filled with Islamic verses and prayers. Both are very sacred to the religion. Holidays are also very sacred, which takes me to my next point.

Holidays: In Islam the holidays include Ramadan, Ashura, and Al-fitr. Ramadan, probably one of the most important holidays in Islam, is the month of fasting. Otherwise known as the "Islamic Calender." Which means you do not eat, drink, smoke, or indulge in anything ill-natured from dawn to sunset. With holidays come lots of prayer, which is also one of the Islamic rituals.

Rituals/Customs: Prayer is an everyday ritual in Islam, along with "The Five Pillars Of Islam." This is a number of five rituals consistently used. They are daily confessions, daily prayer, paying the Alms Tax, fasting during Ramadan, and pilgrimage to Mecca. Mecca is the holiest meeting sight in the Islamic religion. Meeting at Mecca was a mandatory thing to do. Unlike clothing choices in Islam.

Clothing: Colors and style very throughout the Islamic culture, but most dress as monks in long robes with a hood. Some people think this style is long out of date, but i think it's kind of cool how Islam has kept the same wardrobe for so long.

Hierarchy: Muslims are separated into two groups. The first is called Ashrafs, meaning they are not converts of hinduism and as a result they have a higher social status. The second group are called Ajlafs which do convert from hinduism giving them a lower status. Although there is no church status because they worship one God and prayer goes straight to him.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Why is a good relationship hard to keep?

Relationships, oh boy, everyones had their share of getting hurt by now, but don't you wonder why? Our parents tell us not to get into that stuff and it won't happen, but in my opinion you kinda have to get out there and experience it to get the full affect. My opinion on why relationships don't normally last very long is simple, communication. Talking is key. Im not exactly an expert on relationships but from my own experiences and watching others around me, its not hard to pick up on. Misunderstandings are usually a key component of heartbreaks and arguments. "He said that about you." "She said this." Stop listening to what other people say! Why don't you just go up to the person and straight up ask them if its true, because in most cases its just a rumor anyways. But if it is true, and it doesn't work out, well then move on, its not like you were going to get married or anything. And besides were only in high school, dating is just for fun right? There are also a lot of relationships that don't have to do with opposite genders at all. Relationships can also be within friends and different clicks. The main thing is that you talk about it. Don't scream or yell at them. Stay calm and just talk about it, figure it out, because talking about it and getting a long is much better than not talking and losing a friend.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I just read a site that teaches how to get along in a relationship. Which goes hand in hand with my last blog, "Homecoming."This blog teaches to use your body in the way you communicate, not just your mouth. Did you know that more than half of communication is done with your eyes? Body language can also say a lot about you. The way you hold yourself up, or don't. In a relationship you have also got to listen to the other person! You cant always be right. Its kind of like a dance floor. You try and stay in a certain area, careful not to step on anyones toes. But sometimes you just cant avoid conflict, and some toes may get stepped on. Its all part of the journey. You also have to have your trigger spots. Trigger spots are those "looks" or body motions that just set you off. So if you have a trigger spot, tell the person your having the problems with about it! You are in a relationship so they will understand. Plus it makes your relationship stronger, and you will adjust to the persons wants and needs. So i strongly suggest reading this blog. It has tons of tips on how to keep your cool and keep your relationship healthy.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

As part of team 3 Im excited to be blogging.

My Homecoming.
Alright everyone knows about homecoming right? Well as much as I like homecoming and dancing and all its also kind of a conflict at our school. Sure its fun if that one guy asks you but what if he doesn't? What if no one does? Wont that leave you feeling hurt and unimportant. Or maybe to many people ask you? You can only pick one. So wont that hurt them? I have tried a million different ways to let the person down easy. But someone no matter what always ends up getting hurt. And heres a tip for the guys out there. Never and i mean never ask a girl to the dance through text message. Its the worst way you can do it. Think of something! Fun and exciting! That way its not just a normal invitation. So this one guy asked me, and i really wanted to go with him. But he asked me through text! like really? come on. So anyways this other guy asked me by coming to my house and writing on my driveway with chalk. Now thats creative! Im just saying homecoming can create a lot of drama and conflict.
Im going to figure this out though. Somehow Im going to make everyone happy.
