Founder: The founder of the Islamic religion is a man named Muhammad, and it was founded in Shi Lanka in the early 600's. The funny thing about this man is that his life was extremely hard, but he still managed to take a very important role in Islam. Muhammad was orphaned at a very young age. When he started this religion he had very few followers, but it grew on people and by the time he was done he had founded the Islamic religion. Muhammad was considered a prophet and he wrote a book that is still around today.
Holy Books: Muhammad wrote a text called the Hadith. This text was all about the deeds done by this prophet and his family. Another important text is called the Qur'an. This is book filled with Islamic verses and prayers. Both are very sacred to the religion. Holidays are also very sacred, which takes me to my next point.
Holidays: In Islam the holidays include Ramadan, Ashura, and Al-fitr. Ramadan, probably one of the most important holidays in Islam, is the month of fasting. Otherwise known as the "Islamic Calender." Which means you do not eat, drink, smoke, or indulge in anything ill-natured from dawn to sunset. With holidays come lots of prayer, which is also one of the Islamic rituals.
Rituals/Customs: Prayer is an everyday ritual in Islam, along with "The Five Pillars Of Islam." This is a number of five rituals consistently used. They are daily confessions, daily prayer, paying the Alms Tax, fasting during Ramadan, and pilgrimage to Mecca. Mecca is the holiest meeting sight in the Islamic religion. Meeting at Mecca was a mandatory thing to do. Unlike clothing choices in Islam.
Clothing: Colors and style very throughout the Islamic culture, but most dress as monks in long robes with a hood. Some people think this style is long out of date, but i think it's kind of cool how Islam has kept the same wardrobe for so long.
Hierarchy: Muslims are separated into two groups. The first is called Ashrafs, meaning they are not converts of hinduism and as a result they have a higher social status. The second group are called Ajlafs which do convert from hinduism giving them a lower status. Although there is no church status because they worship one God and prayer goes straight to him.